I was inspired to title my blog "Hip To My Heart", mostly by the marvelous song by The Band Perry. Also, I decided I didn't want to have a blog with a bunch of useless crap, so I am only writing about what is, Hip To My Heart.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Witty Original Title

We meet again blogger.

The occasion for my return is ambiguous, but it has occurred. Though you all are probably getting your pitchforks ready and moving your mouse to the retreat button... Put them down, and let me explain.

While exploring the work of Blogger.com I have found some very useful information. I recently explored a plethora of blogs as I had then conceived my blog, but had not yet had a "delivery", nor made my initial initiation into the world of blogs. I won't lie, I needed ideas! While investigating blogs, I found a pattern to nearly all blogs out there.

The most common and current type of blog is the Collaborative Family Blog. Supposedly a blog where the whole family communicates with the world as a group about the poop, scoop, and the skinny on their lives (Name that television show and you get a gold star!).  Let's be honest though, unless you are my brother, 99.9999% of the posts come from the stay at home mom about Billy's first attempt at solid food. Am I mocking? Never. Will I do this one day? Possibly. Though this makes me question why Facebook is essential as well.

The most humerus blogs are those of the Teenage Drama Queens Blog. Ah yes, where the teenage girls compose a public diary to administer their lives to the public even more so.  I probably am most likely to come down with this disease, though I will elude from this as best as possible. I've noticed a trend with these blogs, writing either evil or love notes to people in hopes they will see them (Sounds a little bit like Facebook status' to me!).  The all to common posts of "I love my boyfriend, he is the bestest!", along with the "Do you ever have those people in your lives that are just jerks and they used to be your best friend in 9th grade?", make me want to rip my hair out!

The Niche Blog tend to be the ones with the most effective and valuable information, especially when witty writing is used. Focusing on one specific topic can draw readers that are interested in that pursuit. An example would be the wonderful political, though confusing to me, blog of my brother, Brush Fires in the Mind

So the question yearns in your mind what I will do with my blog. I am meticulous with decisions and don't know where this blog is going, and doubt I will ever know. Just stick around and you might enjoy this ride, never knowing, but anticipating what comes next. Though I commit to you that I will think twice before hitting that "PUBLISH POST" button, and strive to make it worthwhile.  The main lesson I've learned through my inspection of blogs is the common mistake of unneeded posts. Which I will strive to never do, hence my title, Hip To My Heart.

Thanks for humoring me everyone, and I'm glad to be here!

Mucho Amo